Posted by: artisticbeing | October 5, 2015

We Did It!

So I woke up on Wednesday, September 30th with a sense of Urgency. My 3 1/2 year old son, Max, and I had spent the night at my dad and step mom’s house the night before.

Max woke up before me, as usual. I could hear him downstairs talking with his Gigi, so I took a minute to focus on where I was at, and where I wanted to be….I knew I was very close to promoting to the next level of my Direct Sales business with Arbonne. I had been in qualification for this promotion before, but today was different! I laid in the bed of my sister’s old room, staring at the glow in the dark stars on the ceiling… Wow! What a crazy life I’ve had in the last two years!

Upon rising, I reached for my phone and Voxed (Phone-like walkie talkie…awesome app! btw) my National Vice President Wendy.  “Hi Wendy…Just wondering where I’m at?”  Her response was not music to my ears, although she seemed very excited, “YOU ARE $3880.00 away from promoting!”

Argggggggg…stretch…tension…and release….

“ok thanks” I responded.

I had NO idea how in the heck I would sell $4000.00 worth of health and wellness products in ONE DAY!!!!! However, I could hear the excitement in her voice as she voxed…. Wendy was jazzed! She was confident! She was thrilled with this crazy number!!!!  So I redirected my mind and told myself, If she did it, I can do it! and If she seems to think this is possible, then it clearly is! 

Max and I went home and spent a good majority of the morning playing and hanging out…Nothing happening with my business! I decided to make him a lunch and drop him off at Day care for lunch and nap time…This would surely give me a couple hours to focus on my business!

And I did.

I called, emailed, FB messaged, FB posted, voxed EVERYONE I could in a short amount of time…then I DID IT AGAIN! I had preferred clients ordering products on my credit card, because they “didn’t get paid until next week!”…

“The check is in the mail”…

I was clearly strapped for time. I needed to pick up my son from Day Care and I had a Trader Joe’s meeting from 10pm-midnight that night!!! The entire day was a HUGE blur! A reckless attempt to grow my business at all costs… All I remember was I talked to my old friend Rita on the phone at 9:04pm…The babysitter would be here any minute.  Rita sounded exhausted… I told her, “I think this is it! I think your order for this protein powder is going to PROMOTE ME!!!” Rita was so tired, but shared what she could of her excitement for me!

Then…I got a Vox from Wendy! “What kind of necklace do you want from Tiffany’s?!” she was so excited! I was still hopped up on coffee! It was surreal. I went to my work meeting and never did allow my excitement to register until the next day!

On Thursday, October 1st, 15 days away from my one year anniversary with a company I NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD DO…I woke up as an AREA MANAGER!!! My residual income stream is now willable to Max! If something happened to me, he could still collect the profits! I had no idea how WE did it, but we DID!

I did learn something about myself. When I make my mind up to do something I really want, I always do it! Haggard and still in a blur, I called my team and congratulated THEM for THEIR efforts! They are more successful in this business than me, and are not far behind when it comes to promoting! WE worked together. We pushed each other. We Pulled each other. We encouraged each other. We promoted EACH OTHER! The experience and rush we got from pushing to the last minute, was something only strong women, great friends, ad hardworking people can grasp!

Amanda (one of my District Managers) is my Best Friend and a pilot for a commercial airline AND the Air Force reserves as a Major! She’s working on completing her Master’s Degree and has a husband and FOUR children! DO NOT ASK ME HOW SHE DOES IT! But she does…

Therese is a dear friend who I’ve known for 17 years! She has a full time job and recently picked up the slack for a former employee…she works 13 hour days and is married with two dogs and some chickens! Don’t ask me how she does it, but she DOES!

What an amazing day that last Wednesday of September was… And now…How in the heck am I going to sell $10,000 worth of health and wellness products THIS month?!!


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