Posted by: artisticbeing | September 28, 2015

One a week after this….Blogging what’s in my head!

So excited right now….Have an opportunity to promote to Area Manger this month with Arbonne…A direct sales business, that I NEVER thought I would do, let alone be successful in! On track for that!

Just got off the phone with another Trader Joe’s and believe they will do their best efforts in helping my friend with cancer who is a single mother of two sons with autism! “Adopt a Family” Medford and surrounding areas!

Chatted with a gentleman, fellow artist, and local business owner 21 years my senior. What an honor to meet someone “cool” and “respectable”…

Coresponded with some MALES that reached out to me via a Facebook message…Thanks for the nice comments, but—YOU’RE IN RELATIONSHIPS!! My initial response was kind of short and bitchy! I am a woman who knows how it feels to be cheated on…NOW I RESPOND TO THEM WITH A PHOTO OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP STATUS AND GIVE THEM UNSOLICITED RELATIONSHIP ADVISE ON HOW TO PULL THEIR HEADS OUT OF THEIR ASSES AND “FIX IT” OR “MOVE ON”…How would they like it if their significant other was doing this!?! I actually expected to get some angry responses; however, most of them agree and retreat with respect!

Received a phone call from my ex today at work… apparently my 3 1/2 year old son told his dad’s girlfriend’s son not to “fuck with the babysitter!”…His favorite movies are E.T, Goonies, and “Adventures in Babysitting”…talk about an “old soul”! He is going to be E.T for Halloween!…His potential future step brother is five and he is almost four… I told him not to repeat those words again if he ever wanted to watch Adventures in Babysitting again!

I think he understood.

This is my life folks…another blog. I’m back…I told you!IMG_3930

Photo on 9-27-15 at 12.55 AM #2

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