Posted by: artisticbeing | May 18, 2012

“Good On Anything” Fresh Herb Pesto



6 medium garlic cloves

4 oz package Trader Joe’s fresh basil

1 shallot

1/4 cup fresh Italian parsley

1/4 cup fresh arugula

1/2 tablespoon fresh thyme

1/2 tablespoon oregano

1 teaspoon tarragon

1 teaspoon lemon zest

1 cup raw pine nuts

1 teaspoon sea salt

1 teaspoon ground pepper

1/2 tablespoon white balsamic vinegar

1 cup extra virgin olive oil

1 pinch chili flakes

1 cup parmesan cheese, grated 


Wash all the herbs and dry them thoroughly.  Pick off just the leaves of all the herbs and discard the stems.  Peel the garlic cloves and the shallot.

In a blender add the herbs, garlic, shallot, lemon zest, pine nuts, salt, pepper and vinegar.  Turn the blender on high and drizzle in one quarter of the olive oil, gradually.  Stop the blender, stir and start it again.  Add another quarter olive oil and repeat until all oil has been used and pesto reaches a blended consistency.

Stop the blender and pour out the pesto into a medium mixing bowl.  Stir the pesto and add a pinch of chili flakes and the parmesan cheese.  Stir again to combine and refrigerate for a week or freeze up to one month.

Serve pesto on rice, gnocchi, pasta, garlic bread, pizza, vegetables, panini, any meat and any seafood!

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